Any excuse for a party!

Ratvaark and Gino put up red white and blue bunting, over a long table with a white cloth on it.

We have decided to have a street party for the Royal Wedding. We are not especially interested in Royals or Weddings, but we do like a party! Gino helped me put the bunting up.

Ratvaark and Gino put up red white and blue bunting, over a long table with a white cloth on it.

Dim and Vincent brought the stereo out so we can have some party music.

Dim and Vincent look at a stacking stereo system

Winston had a small selection of Royal souvenirs for sale, but we were much more interested in the food.

Ofelia and Ratvaark look at some stamps Winston has laid out on his suitcase

Peggy organised a few of us to help making sandwiches. There are Cucumber, Cheese, Ham and Jam sandwiches.

Peggy sets out plates of sandwiches with different fillings on the table

Dim and Matilda worked hard to make jellies, don’t they look grand! Matilda has worn her Spice Girl dress to get into the patriotic mood.

Dim and Matilda, in a Union Jack dress, put out plates of wine gums for jellies

Hypnovaark made up some jugs of squash, and Winston donated a case of cans of Coke.

Hypnovaark and Winston place a couple of china jugs and some little cans of coke on the table

Esther said she’d bake a cake, and gosh, she’s made a beauty of a Victoria sponge! Filled with jam and cream, with cherries on top!

Esther brings a tall Victoria sponge cake with cherries on top.

Well, that’s a marvelous spread we’ve laid out! We’re going to have a lovely time! If you’re having a party, we hope it’s as good as ours!

All the vaarks gather round the party table

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