Well! When we got back from holiday, we were very excited to find a parcel waiting for us! All the way from our friend TechieAUVaark in Australia! Esther got to work quickly to cut the tape and open it.
Gosh! It’s packed with stuff. Let’s get it out and look.
Fury was interested straight away, because she’s very good at doing Things With Leads. Ah! It’s Raspberry Pi related. This is very exciting, we are going to be tech-vaarks!
But hang on, what’s this? SNACKS! Australian snacks! Yum yum.
Right, on with the parcel. Ernest likes the message on this lanyard. And there are more leads and plugs and things, in a very useful little plastic box. Winston has his eye on the box for keeping his stock in!
Now, this is well wrapped. We got the knife out again and… It’s a RADIO! A darling little radio! Arnold was astonished, partly because it matches his ears!
There are detailed instructions to read. Bernard got his glasses out and says we will have to follow them carefully as he reads them out. We better do that tomorrow when we have lots of time.
But the box still isn’t empty… Lots of stickers! What fun we will have, stickering things. Dim especially likes the banana sticker!
Now then, one more package… More snacks! Australian chocolate! This is the best parcel EVER!
Thank you SO much TechieAUVaark, and your human Cathy O’Malley, for such a brilliant present, and all your hard work putting it together. We are going to enjoy it all so much. Isn’t the vaark world wonderful?