All set for a fiery party!

Arnold looks at two boxes of fireworks

We’re getting ready for our bonfire and fireworks tonight! Winston and Vincent are building the bonfire and Arnold is keeping an eye out for any unsuitable materials. We don’t want any nasty fumes.

When it’s all done, Arnold has a good look for hedgehogs, then declares it a Job Well Done!

Esther and Ofelia are setting up the refreshments – the toffee apples look delicious, and there are marshmallows to toast by the fire. Later on, they’ll bring out the hotdogs, and the mulled wine.

Esther and Ofelia lay a table with plates of toffee apples and marshmallows on sticks

Arnold and Ernest are setting up the firework display area. There’s tape to make sure no one ventures too close.

Ernest sets out a red and white warning tape

Arnold unpacks all the fireworks carefully, and he and Ernest set them up. There are Rockets, and Roman Candles and a Catherine Wheel! They’ll set the big centrepiece up later.

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