Welcome to our Easter Egg hunt! We’re off all over the house to see what we can find!
Esther went straight to that drawer in the kitchen the humans keep random things in, and she was right!
Peggy had a hunch about the box of threads in the workroom, and sure enough, there was an egg hiding there.
Matilda sniffed about in the drawer of random-jewellery-for-crafting-with and found something that wasn’t a bead!
Dim put on his hoodie and scarf and had a search in the fridge, and there it was, sitting on the Flora.
Gino perused the bookshelves, and besides some interesting books, he found an egg!
Ofelia opened the Tupperware cupboard very carefully, and none of the containers fell out! AND she found an egg.
Bernard ventured outside to the garden, and found an egg pretending to be a strawberry!
Arnold climbed up on to the car, and found one sitting on the windscreen wiper. Good job it hadn’t rained or that egg would have gone flying!
Microvaark decided to explore the dolls’ house, and found his egg in the bathroom basin!
Winston found one when he went to check his stock. He says he doesn’t remember putting that in there!
Vincent found one in the oven. He thinks the oven might have been on recently…
Fury found one in Harriet Board‘s workshop, but was really more interested in the bandsaw.
Hypno went exploring and found one printed out on the 3D printer. He didn’t know it could do chocolate!
Nano found a MASSIVE one, among the tomato seedlings in the spare room. He wonders if it grew there.
Ernest hit the jackpot. Not just an egg, but a big pack of toilet roll too!
So, where shall I look? I know, my shed!
Oh! Hello! I say, have you seen any Easter Eggs in there. Hello? Did you hear me? Hello?
Oh! Even better than an egg! A whole bunny! Bingo!
Well, that was fun AND we’ve all got chocolate to enjoy! Happy Easter to you all!