Advaark 2020 Day 7: A box of delights!

the vaarks put a bag of chocolate coins and a jar of jam into the shredded paper

Fury and I are going to make up a hamper! Hampers are lovely gifts because everyone likes a treat!

ratvaark and fury pose with a basket and lots of foodstuffs.

It’s a good idea to put some shredded paper in the basket, to nestle things into. Here’s some chocolate coins, and a nice pot of homemade jam.

Fury sits on a pile of shredded paper in the basket

the vaarks put a bag of chocolate coins and a jar of jam into the shredded paper

Now, here’s a problem. Make sure the things you want to put in the basket aren’t bigger than the basket!

fury looks on as ratvaark tries to fit a packet of fancy biscuits that’s too long for the basket

Fury sits on a bar of chocolate balanced on top of the biscuits, all too big for the basket

What’s that Fury, you’ve got an idea?

Fury looks down and talks to ratvaark

Well, Fury is right. A basket is a very nice and useful present on its own! We’ll just tidy up this other stuff…

fury and ratvaark eat the chocolate coins next to an empty basket

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