Well, it is the 25th January, which is Burns’ Night! So Nano and I have put our kilts on, and are going on an expedition to hunt a haggis. Only, we’re not quite sure what a haggis actually is…
Ernest says, we will probably need a big net to catch it in!
Winston says, he’s heard the haggis lives in the water, so we might need a fishing rod.
Matilda thinks if we are going anywhere near the water, we must take a lifebelt, and Nano’s yacht!
Hypno thinks we might need to look far away, so he’s brought us a telescope to pack.
Microvaark thinks the haggis might be very small, so we’ll need a magnifying glass.
Bernard says he thinks there will be a lot of thick undergrowth to get through, so he’s lending us his shears.
Vincent says, how will we know where we’re going without a map? Just be careful opening it in the wind….
Gino says there are mountains to scale, so we’ll need a rope and grappling hook.
Esther thinks it’s bound to rain, so we better pack a brolly
Arnold, who is always safety conscious, wonders if the haggis breathes fire? So we better take an extinguisher.
Peggy thinks it’s bound to be dark by the time we get there, so we better have a torch.
Dim wonders if the haggis can be tamed with soothing music. Better pack the gramophone. Really? OK…
Fury thinks the haggis will be very fierce, so we should take a big sword to protect ourselves.
Ofelia says we must be polite, so we should take offer the haggis a snack and a cup of tea.
Well! That’s quite a lot of stuff to pack! I can fit a fair bit in my rucksack, but the rest… well, we’ll have to take the wheelbarrow!
Well, off we go! Through dark forests and over rocky mountains we quest.
Well! It looks like we’re on the right track Nano!
Oh! Here is is. It’s not fierce, or tiny, or a fish, or firebreathing. It’s just a sort of meat pudding!
“The good news is”, says Nano, “we don’t have to share our biscuit with it!”
Everyone is very pleased to see our haggis when we get it back. There’ll be plenty to go round!
But having carried the rucksack and pushed the barrow all that way, I just want a lie down!