Well, it’s Shrove Tuesday, and you know what that means… Pancakes! I’m just looking up the recipe.
I need milk, flour and an egg. All measured out neatly.
Put them all in a bowl, and whisk together until there aren’t any lumps.
Then pour the batter into a jug, to make it easy to pour into the pan!
Now, carefully grease a frying pan with a little oil, and heat it up.
When it’s hot, pour in enough batter to make a thin layer on the bottom of the pan, and let it cook. Now, I’m going to need some help…
Right then everybody. Grab the handle, and when I say so, flip the pan up to toss the pancake. Ready? One, two, three. FLIP!
Wheeee! Up it goes! And… oh…
Down it comes! Help! It’s gone all dark!
What are we going to do, says Micro? Well, says Nano, there’s only one thing we can do…
We’ll have to eat them free!