Decorations on the web!

In Ukraine, they tell a story of a poor widow and her children, who had a Christmas tree, but no money to buy decorations.

Ratvaark talks to us, and in the background Ofelia, Micro and Nano look at a plain Christmas tree in a pot.

Ofelia, Nano and Micro look at the bare tree

Feeling a bit sad, they all went to bed.

The three vaarks look a bit sad, snozzles drooping

But during the night, a spider came and wove a magic web all over the tree…

Winston, dressed as a spider with 8 pipecleaner legs, stands beside the tree

And in the morning, the webs had turned into threads of pure silver and gold! So the family were never poor again. And to this day, people in Ukraine include spider web decorations on their trees.

Ofelia, Micro and Nano and the spider look at the tree, now garlanded in gold and silver thread

Ofelia, Micro and Nano look at the tree, now with a big paper spiderweb decoration on the top.

What have you found spider? A ringing bell!

Winston in his spider costume looks at the calendar, and a picture of a bell.

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