I came to see Mrs Human, and said I had noticed a lack of Hot Cross Buns today, and could she hurry up with them please.
And she said, that because she’s on a diet, and Mr Human can’t eat them, there were no hot cross buns.
No. Hot. Cross. Buns.
Well, I’m not having that. So I went to Ofelia to ask if she could bake some. And she said she couldn’t because she hadn’t got any yeast. But maybe we could work something out…
So we went hunting in the freezer and found some crumpets….
And then Ofelia found the spices she needed in the spice rack, and we rolled them to the chopping board.
Ofelia spread some butter on the defrosted crumpet.
And we sprinkled on some cinnamon and mixed spice.
And Ofelia poked dried fruit into some of the holes.
Then it went under the grill to melt the butter and spices together.
Well, it smells very nice! But what about the cross?
Ah, well done Ofelia! You don’t normally have icing on a hot cross bun, but the normal flour and water wouldn’t really work on this. Anyway. We like icing.
There! It’s bit different, but it’s got all the right stuff in it! We are calling it a Hot Crosspet. I hope you have plenty of proper Hot Cross Buns!