All the fun of the fete!

Well, we’re very excited, it’s time for our May fete! We’ve got all the usual food and snack concessions set up.

The vaarks gather at the May fete

Gino is minding the ice cream van and Vincent’s taken charge of the Burger Box. Winston’s got so many enterprises he can’t run them all.

In fact, Winston has really gone up a step – he’s got himself a market barrow, selling antiques and second hand stuff.

Winston shows off his new barrow

Fury’s spotted a really decent drill for her toolbox, and Microvaark is very pleased with his bicycle. Bernard said he didn’t know Microvaark could even ride a bicycle!

Ofelia is looking after the donuts. When Nano asked for some and she asked “How many?” he said “Five of course!” Esther, who is a bit controlled than some, is supervising the Guess the Weight of the Cake stall. Fury offered to help if the cake turned out to be too heavy….

Winston had to do a quick run round when Tessa showed an interest in the Pistachio Shy, but it turned out she was just wondering about his spelling. Someone had already told her the nuts were glued on…

tessa looks at the pistachio shy as winston talks to her

Alan had a go on the tombola and was very pleased when he drew the winning ticket!

Peggy and Mary are running the teas, and… oh hello Dim, you’re looking after the Candy Floss this year? Where’s Matilda? What’s that, she’s got a new enterprise?

Oh! A POPCORN stand! That’s amazing. There was soon a big long queue for popcorn and Matilda was worried she might run out.

So she turned the heat up a bit. There, now it’s popping nicely. Er… Maybe a bit TOO nicely. Run!

Phew, it’s run out of corn and stopped! Winston’s in a flap though, he’s lost his hat in there! But then we realised something even worse. Nanovaark’s in there too!

Ernest quickly stuck his snozzle in, and rooted about sniffing. Thankfully, he soon found Nano, who was sheltering in Winston’s hat. He said he thought he wouldn’t have any more popcorn for a while please. All’s well, as Matilda sweeps up!

After all that excitement, we sat down to enjoy the Punch and Judy show. Nano made sure he got a good view, and Arnold could hardly even feel his weight.

Next it was time for the Morris Dancers. Dim played the Fool as usual, and Hypno played the accordion.

As ever, we’re having a traditional Maypole dance. Can we make it two years running without getting tangled up? Oh Ernest, I don’t think it needs steadying. Whoops! Oh dear, we did it again.

Once we’d freed Ernest, a little voice said “ There’s a good view from up here!” Oh Nano, get down!!

Of course, after the fete, we always have the funfair! Arnold has brought along his Test Your Strength machine, and he’s changed into his Grandfather’s circus strongman leotard. Nano is impressed.

Tessa had a go and did very well, but Arnold was a bit alarmed when Fury insisted on using her Flipping Big Hammer!

Everyone giggled at their reflections in the Hall of Mirrors and Dim and Matilda enjoyed a romantic swing on the swingboat.

Ernest was hard at work turning the ladle-go-round. Look at it go! Look at Ofelia’s ears waving in the wind!

Of course, we are very excited this year to have our Ferris Wheel, which was a mystery present from an anonymous friend. Fury has even arranged a steam traction engine to turn it!

Some of us were more interested in the steam engine than the wheel, so Fury shows them how it works and how she keeps it running with her oily rag.

The wheel is great fun and the view from the top is great. What lucky vaarks we are, to have such friends!