It’s time for our bonfire! Peggy and Gino, who have a particular aversion to fire (being wooden, you see), have a special screen to stand behind to watch. We wouldn’t want any accidents!
The bonfire looks very well built. Arnold is in charge, so he steps forward to light it… Oooh, it’s caught nicely!
We’re all very keen to try the refreshments. Esther explains that there are hotdogs, burgers, toffee apples, marshmallows and mulled wine! Vincent and Winston go straight for a toffee apple.
We love toasting marshmallows. The trick is not to let them actually catch fire!
Dim and Matilda have got some sparklers, and are enjoying making swirly patterns in the air with them. Then of course, Fury has to show off, writing her name!
Oooh! Everyone! It’s time for the fireworks! Gather round, but don’t get too close.
First of all, Arnold lights the Roman Candles. So pretty, the way they make fountains of sparks!
Next, it’s the Catherine Wheel. Carefully, Arnold lights the two rockets on the pivoting arm… Oooh! Look at it spin!
Ah! Time for the rockets. We love rockets. Oooh! Aaaaah! Ooooh!
And now, the grand finale. Arnold wheels out the grand centrepiece, with dozens of little fireworks in it. What a masterpiece! Thank you Arnold and all your assistants for such a marvelous display!